Thursday, April 19, 2012

Allergic reaction?

A few days ago after I'd started the HCG drops I noticed I developed a rash on my arms and my skin is really itchy.  So I've stopped the HCG to see if that was what was causing the problem.  Two days have gone by and the rash is healing and going away with no new flare ups, so I do believe I have the culprit.

This is not a catastrophe.  I am sticking to the diet for 30 days of 500 calorie days because something is telling me that is actually the reason for the weight loss, not so much the drops.  (This is just me, my own opinion and not to say that it doesn't work for other people.) As I said a few days ago, I did a diet, unintentionally, a few summers ago that was similar and in the 2 1/2 months I was off for summer break I lost almost 30 pounds.  Plus, I miss working out, so I may have to bump up the protein intake anyway.  I'm still going to blog everyday that I can about  my progress.  I didn't weigh myself this morning, the kids were ill and the baby was up a few times last night so I was exhausted when the alarm went off. I got up to wake up my teenager and then crawled gratefully back into bed. 

Here is my menu for the day so far though:

Breakfast: RVL Shake with a banana and 1 cup 2 % milk, coffee (8oz), and an apple.

Lunch: Water, yogurt, apple

Dinner: grilled pork chops, baked potato and some other side I haven't chosen yet.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 6

Down another pound today, bringing my total loss up to 7 pounds! I love seeing that on the scale :)  I still don't know if I feel it's really the HCG product or just the change of what I'm eating.  We shall see.

Weigh In: 187 (5 am this morning)

So far I've had a RVL Shake for break fast and an apple along with my coffee.  I have also so far (it's 10 am now) drank two 16 oz bottles of water.  I have to pee so much I feel like I'm pregnant again.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 5

WOOHOO!!!!!!!  Down a total of 6 pounds now!

I don't know if I can attribute it to HCG or not.  I wonder if taking the drops is really effective or if it's just the drastic cut in calories and the HUGE amount of water I'm intaking.  I told my Diet Nazi that it seems more like a cleansing to me than a real diet.  She agreed and said that it basically is supposed to reset your system.  I can believe it, I feel like I'm 9 months pregnant again with how much I'm peeing, but I needed to drink more water anyway.  It's good for your system and I'd rather drink something that doesn't have any sugars added. 

I wonder though for someone who has normally low blood sugar, is it good to cut them out so much?  At least it's a 28 day thing with the drops then maintenance after that.  After my 28 days are up I'm looking forward to getting back to P90X.  I need to drop the weight and get my heart healthy. That's really my goal.

Breakfast: apple and coffee

Lunch: apple, pouch of tuna (just found out this isn't part of the diet so I'll switch that out)

Dinner: grilled chicken

Water as of right now (11:56 am) 24 oz.

Weight first thing this morning: 188.2

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 3

I forgot to post yesterday, still doing well.  Yesterday was officially day 3 and the start of the 500 calorie diet.  Now, it was a hard day because I went out to lunch with my Aunt to celebrate my birthday so I'm sure I ate a little over 500 calories.  However, I'm the same weight and that's ok.  A friend of mine (aka Diet Nazi) is kind of coaching me and two of our other friends through this. She has lost a lot of weight and been able to maintain it just by changing her diet.  So I check in with her every day too.

Something I realized is that I did this diet unintentionally a few summers ago.  I ate only one meal a day and snacked on healthy foods the rest of the day.  I lost 30 pounds in one summer. If I did it then, I can do it again.  If I can lose at the least 30 pounds in the next few months then spend the summer working out and getting a regular routine together for myself that would be amazing.  That's my goal!

Weigh in: 189

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 2

Today is day 2 with the HCG ... my very good friend who did this successfully told me no P90X until I'm done the 30 days of HCG.  Because you drop your calorie intake to 500 for the thirty days, I should wait to do the workout again until I up my protein intake again.

hmm can I handle the break?  YES YES YES! P90X is awesome but hard.  So I'll drop some weight and then lean up.  My doctors appointment isn't until June now, so by then I should have lost at the least 25 lbs. if not more.

Weigh in today : 189 lbs ... this is the morning, I've had one half cup of coffee so far, so this is probably my real weight.  I'm glad, haven't seen this weight in a year at the least!

Oh and I'm glad I can still eat a lot because it's day 2, it's my birthday!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Start afresh.....

Ok so, it's been a while since I posted.  Sorry about that.

Today I started the HCG and postponed my P90X for 30 days. I love P90X, but I have seen quite a few friends have long lasting success with the HCG.  I've already started changing my diet, fewer calories and healthier foods, even making healthier foods for my family. But today (Wednesday), and the next day or two I am supposed to eat  a lot of fatty foods then on Friday start the 500 calorie diet for 26 days.  Once that is done I start P90 again.

So today my weight is : 191lbs.

My goal weight by this time next year is : 130 lbs.

I'm hoping that maybe we will try for a boy starting this time next year so I'd like to be at a healthy weight and in better shape, that way exercise during pregnancy won't be a shock to my system and I will lose the weight easier once I have the baby.  Even if we decide not to have another baby, I still want to be at a healthy weight and a regular workout routine.  I don't want to take blood pressure pills the rest of my life, or if I do perhaps i can at least get the amount lower.

So here it goes!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I've been so busy I almost never get a chance to sit down in front of my computer at home to blog!

The change of lifestyle is still going strong.  I'm in love with my Eating Well magazine and website.  I've found so many great tips and recipes for the family, some that surprised them that they liked when they found out what was in it. 

I need to start doing a weigh in and update every week, I know I know, once it becomes a habit....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So far so good with the change in diet.  I'm down 5 pounds, my hubby started on the treadmill last night, he's claiming 10 minutes a night of fast walking/jogging will do it for him.  We'll see. 
I do know that by June i'd like to be closer to my goal weight of 130 lbs.  I need to find a good workout, but really, I like to walk.  Something tells me that once the weather starts to get warmer, I might be able to squeeze in a walk at night with the baby, and my husband if I can convince him to come with me in addition to his treadmill walk. 
So far he hasn't noticed that I have been using EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), whole wheat panko, or more natural ingredients in cooking.  The new things I've cooked have all tasted really good, and no mention of whether they are low fat, or heart healthy.  Maybe if I keep this up we'll both be slimmer and healthier by December next year.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Two weeks in

Ok, so two weeks in and I've made a few really good recipes and the family really liked them! I'm so glad, because you just never know when making new things if they will be accepted by everyone in the house.  I suppose though, you could say, that they weren't too far from things I've made before, just used fresher ingredients, like baby spinach and a shallot, and didn't use breadcrumbs or vegetable oil.  When I did have to use oil I used olive oil, which is MUCH better for you.

The first recipe I made was Pork Chops Au Poivre, now the sauce wasn't all that great, but the pork was really good with the fresher tastes and my 15 year old really enjoyed it.

The second meal I tried was really good it was Chicken Parmesan Subs, I was a little worried whether my daughter would like this because it has spinach on it under the cheese.  However, she really enjoyed it and even heated up the left overs for herself a few days later. 

My husband has an appointment with a cardiologist this Wednesday and it just makes me want to make sure I cook healthier, heart healthy, recipes.  I love him very much and want to make sure that I do what I can to keep him healthy and around a long long time.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Almost a year ago, on January 25th to be exact, I gave birth to my second daughter at the age of 34.  I waited a long time to have a second child and was ecstatic the whole time and after when she was born.  What I am not ecstatic about is the toll it's taken on my body.  I've given myself a year, and now it's time to take more control over what I eat and how it's made.  I'm sure there will be times I'll "cheat" on my life change, but that's ok, after all who doesn't love a little chocolate now and then? I'm calling it a life change because it really is.  I don't want to diet, lose the weight and go back to the way things were. I have heart disease and high blood pressure in my family and have had high blood pressure since I was 20 weeks pregnant with my daughter.  I refuse to be like my Mother, finding every excuse available to NOT exercise or eat better.
My husband was also diagnosed with high blood pressure last year.  He's embarking on a diet plan of his own, but since I am in charge of WHAT we eat, it's up to me to make sure it's healthy foods. 
When I go home today, I'm going to weigh myself and post it, time to put it out there and be honest.  Every time I cook a healthy meal I'll post what it is, pictures and the recipe, and I'll also post the reviews of my family.  Whether it was good, or whether it sucked.  I'd like to start getting into shape and eating healthy now, so by the time spring rolls around maybe I'll fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes, or if I'm really lucky, have to buy new ones because the old stuff is too big!